Party Hard 2 Alpha 1 is out now
Good news! The first Alpha for Party Hard 2 is out now, and it's available for free for everyone! Find out more about Party Hard 2 and...

How game conferences can help prevent the Gearbox/G2A Situation
I'm sure by now you've heard about the recent Gearbox/G2A situation. I'm not going to get into details, as that's not what the post is...

It's Time to Get Shifty - Mr. Shifty is OUT TODAY!
Today is the day, folks! Mr. Shifty is finally out on Steam and Nintendo Switch! Grab it now and go punch dudes in the face. Check out...

Mr. Shifty is launching on Switch and Steam next week April 13th
Great news! Mr. Shifty is launching on Nintendo Switch and Steam next Thursday, April 13th! Checkout the Switch Announcement Trailer: If...